Norwich (1025)

Ann Summers Norwich

24A Lower Ground Floor Chapelfield
Norwich, Norfolk NR1 3SA
Opening times
Bank holiday:09:00-17:00
About this Store

Find our lovely Norwich store within the town centre and speak to sex toy experts who will be happy to assist you with everything from toys to lube. Browsing our new collections is made extra special in this beautiful store. This store operates a perfect fit guarantee! If we don't carry your size, you can order straight to your door with the help from our bra fit experts.

  • Expert bra fit
  • In-store Ordering
  • Sexpert Toy Advice
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Getting to us
By Bus
Get off at St Stephens St and go into Chapelfield Shopping Centre, follow it all the way down to Sky Stand and we are there on the right

By Train
Upon leaving the train station, cross over onto Prince of Wales Road, follow this road all the way to the top and straight over onto Castle Meadow. Continue straight untill you get onto Red Lion St, continue straight onto St Stephens St, you will the pass around 5 shops, you'll find us there.

By Car
Park in Chapelfield car park and use the lifts or escalator to access the ground floor, turn left and we are the third shop down.