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Psychic Sisters Sleep Mist

$ 19.00
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$ 19.00
Pyschic Sisters Sleep Well mist with natural spring water, helps to remove energy blockages from the physical body, opening your chakras allowing the energy to move more freely and arua cleansing. Bringing you more balance in you daily life. A fusion of natural spring water, organic aromatherapy oils, moon magic, crystal gemstones and reiki energised.

Spritz around your aura and chant the affirmation ten time to bring instant ease and peace of mind.

Affirmation:“I am relaxed and ready for sleep”

A great mist product, cleansing negative powers formulated with positive energy. Use as part of your personalised daily routine programme.

  • Moon magic and Reki energised
  • With hydrating, refreshing Natural Spring Water
  • With Organic chamomile and lavender essential oils.
  • Gemstones: Lapis Lezuli: De-stress - Reaxation - Confidence
  • Ingredients:Organic chamomile and lavender essential oils and Natural Spring Water